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finding focus.

The crazy of everyday life is so in focus that you lose sight of what is beyond it.

(this post was originally written in 2012 while I was living in Haiti and posted on my then blog. I’m reposting some of my favorite blog posts here for posterity and sharing sake)

You know those days, weeks, months where the glaring obvious in your life is the grit of everyday? Those days where the frustration of getting it all done, answering a 4 year olds 100 million questions, hitting the bed at night knowing you didn’t accomplish hardly much of what you really wanted to? The crazy of everyday life is so in focus that you lose sight of what is beyond it.

Then a little voice keeps saying in your heart to keep on and everywhere you turn there are messages of faith.  And that faith involves risk and trust, focusing on things that you can’t see right now.  And your pastor says “faith is essential because we are headed for goals beyond our sight” -John Meadth.

In that moment, the moment of realizing your focus is wrong.  Stop focusing on the little things of the everyday that wear on you and start having faith that God is in this and has big plans.

 “Here is the thing: I want big things from God. We want big things from God and then think it’s strange when He asks us to build an ark, or feed five thousand or march around a building for seven days with seven priests blowing trumpets made from rams’ horns. I am asking for big things from God.” -Katie Davis


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