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feeling and coping

It’s easier to pretend it doesn’t exist.  But just because it’s easier, doesn’t make it right.

(this post was originally written in 2012 while I was living in Haiti and posted on my then blog. I’m reposting some of my favorite blog posts here for posterity and sharing sake)

I was recently talking to a friend about feeling and coping. And the truth is I don’t often think about it all because it’s too hard. I can’t think about life and what we gave up because I don’t want to miss it all. I don’t think about all the bad things in the world and the harsh reality of what we see here because it makes it too hard to see the good. I don’t think about what could happen and the gravity of living in Haiti because it scares me.

But here is the truth: A little girl died last night.

A little 3 month old who came into a clinic yesterday, was seen by doctors who did all they could to help her but it was too late. She died last night. In a hut in Haiti. Had we not been here this week, she would have died without anyone else but her family really knowing. There would have been a family grieving for the loss of a child and the world would continue on. As if nothing had happened. And that is what makes me mad.

When I think about the fact that this child is one of many that died last night around the world from treatable causes and partly because her lot in life was that she wasn’t born in a first world country, I get mad. And when I think about how I get so concerned over my stupid requests of life, and my first world problems, because of my selfishness, I get angry at myself.

I don’t think about these things because it hurts to feel that much sometimes. I use the excuse that it’s coping with living in Haiti because we are faced with this kind of stuff alot. I get it. It’s not fun to be completely brokenhearted over total injustice, and kids dying, and all that is not right in the world. It’s easier to pretend it doesn’t exist. But just because it’s easier, doesn’t make it right.

Because tonight I stare at a photo of a little baby who deserved more. Her family deserves more. This country deserves more. 

(this is the little girl and her mom yesterday in the clinic)


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